Sunday, November 30, 2014

He Thinks He's a Stud

No, it's not staying in the kitchen.

I could confidently type that post title and know that no one reading this would think I'm talking about Tim. Because, oh man, we all know what a stud he is. I was referring to this banquette seating we scored at Baxton Studio Outlet the other day. It was tagged as $260, which I thought was a very good price to begin with, but then the sales associate told me it was 50% off as part of a holiday sales promotion and oh snap, you know I acted on that. 

Thing is, this banquette seating is intended to go with a very industrial-organic table from CB2 and that nail-head studding is just not going to jive with that. It says Hollywood regency wannabe. Trust me, it does. 

One down, only 383 more to go!

So though it may break a few hearts, and our knuckles in the process, we're removing each nail stud one by one. It's tedious, but for the price it's already worth it.

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